Sunday, January 14, 2007

We are free!

Just fixed Christian's car seat onto my car yesterday evening and took a drive out. He seems to enjoy his car ride very much coz he was quiet all the way, enjoying his nursery ryhmes blasting from my GTi stereo.
Thats good coz it spells freedom for me! That means I can go our with CAR anytime I want and as an when I want! Hurrayy!!
Most important thing is, there's no need to depend on others to bring me ard or be in my car when I am driving.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

She's scary!!

Thats it!!! Let go home!!!
Boi boi was crying his lungs out last night when we were at John's place. Dunno why.. maybe the lights too dim... the air too stuffy... people too scary... I don't know...But then minute we stepped out of the house... he stopped crying.. talk about hating that place. Anyway, we went home and he zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz till this morning...

Friday, January 12, 2007

The love of my Life

This is the love of my life, Christian Aiden Raj a.k.a Lil' Boss.
Don't be fooled by his puppy eyes (And yes... He's borned in the year of the Dog)... he screams for his demands.
Nevertheless, I'll still give in to him.. I mean.. Just look at him.. who wouldn't!!??
Anyway, he's 5 months old and he's about to embark on a journey of 'solids' real soon!!

It's a new beginning

Wow!! This is a new start for me. I am ACTUALLY writing a blog. Makes me feel like I'm a part of the happening cyber blogger world. Haha!!
It's kinda fun though.
Well... I guess there's more to come!